The history of Armenian wine begins with Noah, after the great flood, when peace between God and Humanity was restored. As myths and sacred scriptures assure, Noah was the first to cultivate the vine and make use of its fruit. Genesis says that he dedicated himself to agriculture and planted the vine on Mount Ararat, in Armenia…
In Armenia, more precisely in the valley of Mount Ararat, in the area around the village of Areni, vines have been cultivated since the 4th millennium BC. This is how famous Greek historians (Herodotus, Xenophon, Strabo) narrate and certify recent archaeological excavations.
The archaeological site of the Areni-1 cave still remains a place shrouded in mystery.
This small Armenian region enjoys a unique micro-climate. It has a differentiated typology of land at 700 m altitude. Sunny days are maintained for 300 days a year. The vines are not attacked by phylloxera.
The resulting wine is of superior quality and satisfies the most demanding palates.
The most famous and widespread Armenian wine is called “Areni”, from the name of the place where it is produced. For some years now, it has been experiencing a period of recovery and revival.
Some winemakers have rediscovered the tradition and reuse of amphorae (karas) while while others follow the organic way. Savoring Armenian wine means taking a cultural journey through time. This means in a few glasses to enjoy at least six thousand years of tradition. And this is not a trifle!
The global demand for Armenian wine cannot fully substitute the domestic one, it is still an important driver for the cluster development. In the last decade, the export of Armenian wine has recorded significant growth, however Armenia still captures insignificant proportion of the global wine market. One reason for the positive changes is the constant prioritization of wine sector by Armenian government and the successes of several Armenian wines internationally.
The awareness on Armenian wines in international markets is low. In the largest export markets – Russia and USA (California, in particular), an important consumer segment for the exported Armenian wines is the Armenian Diaspora. Low awareness can be viewed as an opportunity for creating a brand for Armenian wine from a scratch.
High-quality brandy is also made from this precious grapes. It is perhaps less famous than French cognac, but undoubtedly proves equally lovable, if not better. Winston Churchill, a well-known consumer and admirer of alcohol, preferred it above all.
Upon request, “Original Armenia” organizes wonderful tours focused not only on territory, art and culture, but also on wine-making, oenology, with visits to the best producers of Armenian wine and typical and traditional cuisines.